Another word for add extra
Another word for add extra

Whether or not you should ask for permission this way depends on the situation and your relationship with the person that you are asking. When you ask if you should do something, it shows that you have a tentative idea of it, but you are really not sure and will probably take their suggestion. With this question, you show a little more reliance on the opinion of the person that you are asking. Do you mind if I rearrange your books for you? They seem a little bit messy.Do you mind if I have a snack? I haven’t eaten all are not asking for their permission the way Would I be able to does instead, you generally have made up your mind and just want to make sure you will not bother the other person. When you ask if someone minds that you do something, you show a little more determination to do it. You can ask if someone minds that you do something at school or at work, and this question is also commonly used when asking a stranger if you can play your music out loud, take an empty seat at their table, etc.

another word for add extra

The purpose of asking for permission this way is to show that you do not want to become a burden for this person. While the previous question asks for the opinion of the person, this question asks whether they will be bothered in you do something. Would I be able to ask you to give me a hand with lifting this cabinet? It is a little heavy.Would I be able to turn this essay in on Monday next week? I will be out of town on Tuesday, when the paper is due.Would I be able to switch the color palates for the two projects? I think they fit together better that way.It also allows them to give you an alternative and explain why they think another way, instead. This is a great way to ask for permission if you are short on time or have caught the person at a busy time.Īsking this way is a great lead up question to adding in a reason why you think a certain way, which can help the person you ask better understand why you suggest what you suggest. This question respects their time and expertise, and you do not have to take up more time than they are willing to give. They show that you are not asking them to come up with the ideas for you, just to help guide your ideas in a way that works for everyone.Īsking if you are able to do something allows the person you ask to answer either yes or no. These are great phrases to use if speaking to a teacher at school or a boss at work. Asking for permission in these ways shows that you value the other person’s opinion.Įven though you already have an idea of what to do, you still want them to weigh in – to provide their opinion – on which you will base your decision. You know something that you could do and you really value the other person’s opinionįor these phrases, you are suggesting something that you want to do, or something that you could do, and trying to see whether the person you ask is approving of your suggestion or not. Could I get another glass of water please?Ģ.Could I please watch the next episode of this show before we start cleaning the house?.Could I borrow some money to pay for dance class and pay you back next week?.Can I please see the detailed plans for your kitchen remodeling?Īsking something with could is a gentler way to ask than can I.Can I spend my weekend in Portland before traveling to Seattle?.If you want to be politer, it is best to add please into the sentence, especially when you are talking to someone who has authority over you.

another word for add extra another word for add extra

In the case of a very formal situation, it may be better to stick with the other ways of asking the question, but it is acceptable in many situations.

  • May I look over this contract and discuss it with my family members before signing it and getting it back to you?Īsking can you do something is more direct than using may or could.
  • May I go to the park with my friends today please?.
  • To make it even more polite, add the please after asking it. This is usually very polite, and used when you are asking someone who has authority over you for something. All three phrases have the same meaning, but each of them has a slightly different effect when it comes to how polite you are being.

    Another word for add extra