How to add fonts to adobe fireworks
How to add fonts to adobe fireworks

Then move them to the right to create the backbone of the cloud. To do that, select the shapes on the left, right click and from the contextual menu, select Transform>Flip Horizontal. At this stage, copy the shapes on the left-hand side of the big circle, reflect them and position them to the right of the circle in order to create a symmetrical shape. If you're an Illustrator user, you can see how Fireworks behaves in a similar manner but also how quickly you can build shapes. With this command the circle will move on a fixed horizontal axis without moving up and down. If you want to be even more precise, you can select the shape, press Alt+Shift and move the shape. To do that you can either copy and paste the shape in place ( Cmd+C, Cmd+V) or select the circle pressing alt on the keyboard and dragging it to the right. Copy and pasteĬopy the smaller circle (180px) and move it to the left until the first half of the circle intersects the square in the exact middle. In design in general, the use of the golden ratio is pretty common because it creates pleasing compositions to the eye. That means that, if the first circle is 180px, we can multiply that by 1.61 and get the other diameter for the circle, which is approximately 290px. These two circles follow a ratio (called the Fibonacci ratio) of 1:1.61. The golden ratio identifies the relationship between two proportions. The two circles we've designed follow a common rule found in mathematics and in nature that's generally called the golden ratio, based on Fibonacci's theory. In order to do that, select the shape, use the shortcut Cmd+Shift+T and then, from the numerical transform window, select the Resize option. Copy and paste it ( Cmd+C, Cmd+V) and scale the new circle to the size of 291px by 291px. With the Ellipse tool selected, press Shift and draw a perfect circle of 180px by 180px. (The sizes of the different circles we're going to design are purposely chosen, but we'll come back to this in step three.) Give it a light grey background (for example, #CCCCCC) and select the Ellipse tool ( U). Set up your canvas to 800px wide and 1000px high.

How to add fonts to adobe fireworks